Discover your phase in
A FREE mini-course that will reveal the exact next move in your music career!
In five bite-sized videos, The Musician's Success Cycle delivers you a roadmap to achieve your biggest goals with ease and clarity.
You'll craft a simple plan with sequential steps instead of scrambling to do everything all at once. BOOYA.
What if you knew exactly what to do next in your music career that would create maximum momentum with the least amount of time, money, and energy?
This framework shows you what it really means to focus. This results in:
🎸 Better gigs, more fans, increased income, thousands instead of dozens of streams . . .
🚀 More energy to do work that matters while spending less time and money on work that doesn't . . .
🎤 Decision-making becomes easy, and overwhelm becomes a thing of your past . . .
🌟 You becoming the leader, nay, the star of your own career, rather than the victim of it . . .
📆 Saving so much time by becoming effective, not just productive . . .
With The Musician’s Success Cycle, you won't be worried about uploading to your distributor or making your album artwork while you’re also in the studio being creative because you'll know EXACTLY when all that other stuff is going to get done!
Created by GRAMMY®-nominated artist and composer, certified success and systems coach,
Cheryl B. Engelhardt.

The Musician's Success Cycle is for you if you . . .
✍️ are a creator of any kind, whether you're just starting or have been around for decades.
💰 want to know how to market your music and how to make money with music.
🧭 lack direction and feel like you're throwing spaghetti to the wall and seeing what sticks.
⭐️ know you have huge potential, with creativity coming out of your ears, but haven't gotten it "out there" the way you want.
📝 desire clear goals that you can grow into, without losing yourself in the mud of "marketing".
🎶 perform, produce, co-write, compose, teach, study, release, and/or create content regularly.
The Musician's Success Cycle is *not* for you if you . . .
🤯 want to stay in the "starving artist" identity because it's all you've ever known (and change [aka success] can be scary).
⚒️ have all the systems needed for a successful career in place and automated (fan growth, email platforms, calendar and time management, social content, team management, passive income streams, financial organization, etc.)
🤜 aren't ready to learn the hard truth (and the easy fix) about why you aren't where you want to be in your career.
🕶️ you have it all figured out and definitely aren't missing a really big piece of the puzzle. (Also, call me, I want to know your secrets, love Cheryl.)