Avoiding The 4 Biggest Social Media Mistakes Musicians Make

Apr 04, 2024 11:25am

We hear all the time about the mistakes we're making on social media as musicians. Social media 'gurus' are all too eager to tell us all the crimes against algorithms we're committing. This article is NOT that, but rather a round-up of easy, simple remedies you can implement today based on universally accepted best social media practices. 

Let's be real, musicians: Who has the time to endlessly search for trending audio or decipher the mysterious algorithms? Certainly not me, and probably not you either. As a career musician, your focus should be on creating great music and connecting with your audience. So, let's dive into some practical tips to make your social media journey a whole lot easier AND more effective (i.e. you see more actual results on your posts). 

The Goal: Building Trust As An Arrist Through Social Media

The ultimate goal of social media for musicians is to foster trust with your audience. When your followers trust you, they're more likely to join your mailing list, support your music, and even become advocates for your career. Trust is the currency of the digital age, and your social media presence is the key to earning it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are four common mistakes I see musicians making on social media, along with some simple solutions to overcome them:

1. Graphic Design Overkill

You don't need to be a graphic design wizard to create engaging content. Instead of spending hours tinkering with third-party apps, stick to the native features of the platform. Use the built-in text and caption tools to keep your posts authentic and familiar to your audience.

2. Content Calendar Obsession

Quality trumps quantity when it comes to social media. You don't need to bombard your followers with multiple posts per day. Focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Trends come and go, but authenticity never goes out of style.

3. Perfectionism Paralysis

You don't need a Hollywood budget to produce viral-worthy content. Embrace the raw and authentic nature of social media. A simple video captured on your phone can be just as effective as a high-budget production. Focus on showcasing your music and connecting with your audience, rather than striving for perfection.

4. Fear of Falling Short

Social media success doesn't require a full-time commitment. It's okay to start small and build momentum over time. Consistency is important, but it doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your sanity. Aim for manageable goals that fit into your busy schedule.

Embracing Imperfection

Social media is not about perfection; it's about authenticity and connection. You don't have to have it all figured out from the start. Start where you are, embrace your unique voice, and let your music shine through. Social media is a powerful tool for expanding your reach and connecting with new fans, so don't let fear hold you back.

Remember: done is better than perfect. I'm going to really encourage you to hold yourself to the standard of having something posted rather than having it be the absolute best any social media post has ever been. 

Your Social Media, Handled!

Navigating the ocean of social media advice for musicians can feel overwhelming, right? And often, it feels like a messy contradiction, leaving you more confused than ever. Not to mention, it demands heaps of your time and energy.

That’s why my team and I created The Content Drop

The Content Drop is your monthly treasure trove brimming with trending audios, innovative music promotion ideas, viral content strategies to amplify your following, and the latest updates on social media platforms that impact your music career.

✓ Direct links to trending audios on TikTok and Instagram to reach new fans

✓ Fresh music promotion ideas each month

✓ A hot-off-the-press email template ready to send to your fans 

✓ Instructions to create current viral trending content to expose your music to the masses

✓ A summary of social media changes, news, and what the algorithms are favoring

✓ Info on social media best practices 

Click here to join The Content Drop today!



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